Another new elements by acros
pack contains
1.clocks digital and analogue
2.indicators and highlights
3.waiting bars
Size :227.1 KiB | Hits : 1,936 downloads
Description : Elements for making theme using carbide
Source for Android Screen Lock Themes, Mobile Themes, Android Games, Android Apps and Live Wallpapers, Android Tips and Tricks,Apps Source code, Android Monetization, Nokia,Iphone(ios) Themes,Make Money,Templates and more
How do i use these elements??
Could you please tell me??I’m not familiar with this SVG extension
Hi,These svg elements are to be used with carbide for making nokia use this copy the given svg file and paste it in carbide theme project
Thanks bro these elements will help me alot in my new theme desire.
You are Welcome and am glad to know that.Good luck with your new theme.
another great share :)
Really Like This Work “BUDDY”
Specially Keep Your Good Up & Up.