A cool looking free sony ericsson theme for 240 x 320 px phone Steampunk Mask by Malytopol.This theme works with SE mobile phones of version 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9.The wallpaper object credits goes to diarment of deviantart.

Size :1.4 MiB | Hits : 822 downloads
Description : Sony ericsson v4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 mobile phones
Hi Malytopol, I’m following your themes since your hallowen one and i really like them!! :D I have all of them on my Elm, they are fantastic, congratulations!
Can I ask you how do you make themes? Do you use theme creator? Because when I make themes with it for my Elm, the landscape background in the Media area doesn’t work and I can figure out why!
Thx, Francis
Ah, obviously i’m asking this beacause with your themes the landscape works! ;)