Artist Notes:
* Vector Theme for Symbian 9.1/9.2/9.3
* Change icons to approximately 350 third-party programs and their versions
* Subject made in the style of official Olympic symbols
* On the topic of bundled wallpapers for FP1 (in the wallpaper used bitmapped graphics from the official site of the Olympic Games)
For advice and tests thanks (AZ): bolebina, denis.ka, NRGZR, volter
Special thanks shilca, Lena assistance was grand!
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Size :580.7 KiB | Hits : 1,149 downloads
Description : 240X235 wallpaper
Size :1.0 MiB | Hits : 1,092 downloads
Description : theme for s60v3 fp1 and fp2 phones with custom icons
Size :471.6 KiB | Hits : 996 downloads
Description : theme for s60v3 fp1 and fp2 phones with default icons
Lovely themes. Keep the good work going